Study of two cases of cervical disease, showing similar symptoms to thoracic myelopathy

Autor: Hiroaki Sakano, Hideo Watanabe, Minoru Saika, Yukihiko Tsutsumi, Sinichi Masukawa, Ryuuji Kitajima
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: Orthopedics & Traumatology. 38:1126-1130
ISSN: 1349-4333
DOI: 10.5035/nishiseisai.38.1126
Popis: In this report, two cases of cervical disease are discussed which showed similar symptoms to thoracic myelopathy based on their neurological signs recognized mainly in the lower limbs and trunk.Case 1 is a 46 year-old male. He had numbness of the left lower limb and left side of trunk at onset, which gradually increased. However he had no motor disturbance of the extremities.Case 2 is a 38 year-old female. She had numbness, pain and muscular weakness of the right lower limb at onset, which gradually increased and was accompanied by slight motor weakness of the both lower limbs. Deep tendon reflexes of the lower limbs were hyperactive in both cases. A sensory disturbance was noticed below the level of Th6 in case 1 and below the level of Th4 in case 2. A spastic gait was recognized in case 2.No sensory or motor disturbance in the upper limbs, except positive Wartenberg's reflex in the both hands, was recognized in case 1.Deep tendon reflexes of the upper limbs were slightly hyperactive and Wartenberg's reflex was positive in case 2.After studies of myelography, CTM and MRI, the diagnosis of case 1 was cervical spondylotic myelopathy and case 2 was Arnold-Chiari malformation.
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