Ukrainian Language Teaching Aids in the Competence Paradigm of Modern Education

Autor: Liudmyla Popova
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Bulletin of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. 2:54-61
ISSN: 2227-2844
DOI: 10.12958/2227-2844-2020-2(333)-2-54-61
Popis: The article identifies the linguodidactic potential of teaching aids used at Ukrainian language lessons to form the subject and key competences of lyceum students. It is emphasized that in the context of competently oriented Ukrainian language study, it is advisable to consider teaching aids as representatives of information and their function is not only to refine the educational information, but also to stimulate students' cognitive and creative activity, to stimulate them to predict situations, etc. It is emphasized that the teaching aids of competently oriented Ukrainian language study and their usage during the lesson and the independent activity of students has a positive effect on the effectiveness of the subject and key competences formation. It has been found out that the language teacher uses teaching aids toclarify the verbal educational information he presents, to enhance the acquisition of skills and experiences of different activities that students get, etc., while at the same time for students the learning tools are the main source of information, a didactic mechanism that triggers their practical activity. The criteria for teaching aids choice is presented that has a great impact on the complex realization of educational, informational, illustrative, stimulating, integrating and controlling functions of teaching aids. The article provides the examples of some particular teaching aids and their implementation. Ukrainian language teaching aids have been proved to have considerable linguistic and didactic potential in the forming of subject and key competences, as they help to solve a number of pedagogical tasks, to enrich the lesson of the Ukrainian language by interesting information.
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