Limits of mathematical model used in wind turbine descriptions

Autor: Marius Babescu, Elisabeta Spunei, C P Chioncel
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: 2016 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering (EPE).
DOI: 10.1109/icepe.2016.7781457
Popis: This work presents the limits of mathematical models of wind turbines. At a wind turbine, WT, in the region of negative powers, Pwt, usual mathematical models are no longer valid, the errors being unacceptably high, the obtained values are much different from real values. In the area of positive power, the mathematical models are valid and approach to the real power characteristics. These considerations are especially useful in making accurate simulations of different operating regimes. In the maximum power point area — MPP, the models can be used with good results, but only at constant wind speed. For large angular mechanical velocity (AMV), over AMV at without load, Ouai, these models can no longer be applied. The mathematical models are very useful in various simulations and are therefore used, both, in the design — construction phases as well as in operation.
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