Intention to use biometrie systems among international students in Cyprus

Autor: Meryem Erbilek, Issa Djeni
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: 2017 9th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN).
DOI: 10.1109/cicn.2017.8319391
Popis: In biometrie authentication system the false acceptance rate (FAR) and false rejection rate (FRR) are two signifieant performanee metries used to illustrate the seeurities level of the system. All the biometric systems do not have an equal FAR and FRR. De facto, some biometric technologies are mathematically more vulnerable than the others. These disparities affect the behavioral intention toward biometric technology. This research aims to investigate the factors affecting the intention to use biometric system among international students staying on campus and those enrolled in graduate course in biometric system engineering. To address this problem, a proposed technology acceptance model will be tested empirically with 98 international students in two universities in Cyprus. The results of these studies have shown that among privacy concerns, biometrics system quality and personal innovativeness in IT, only performance expectancy and perceived securities are the main drivers of biometric system adoption. Additionally, the attendance of biometric course does affect the intention to use. The predictors investigated account for 40% of behavioral intentions. These findings could be extended to the intention to use biometric system in developing countries with infrastructure similar to Cyprus. Finally, organizations planning to use biometric in the future should carry out a non-professional training on how biometric system works.
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