Analysis of reliability of semiconductor emitters with different designs of cavities

Autor: K. V. Kurnosov, A. S. Meshkov, V. D. Kurnosov, A. V. Lobintsov, V. N. Penkin, M. B. Uspenskii, Yu. V. Kurnyavko, V I Romantsevich, R. V. Chernov, A. V. Ivanov
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Technical Physics. 61:1525-1530
ISSN: 1090-6525
Popis: We have reported on the results of analysis of the operating time of conventional laser diodes and diodes with noninjecting output sections. The reasons for shorter operating time of diodes with a single anti-reflection face of the cavity compared to diodes with two protecting coatings and emitters equipped with a fiber Bragg grating have been considered.
Databáze: OpenAIRE