Pulsed voltammetric detection of arsenic(III) at platinum electrodes in acidic media

Autor: Douglas G. Williams, Dennis C. Johnson
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: Analytical Chemistry. 64:1785-1789
ISSN: 1520-6882
Popis: The oxidation of As(OH) 3 at Pt is belleved to occur by an anodic oxygen-transfer mechanism that involves anodic discharge of H 2 O to form adsorbed hydroxyl radicals (PtOH); however, anodic conversion of PtOH to the inert oxide (PtO) results in severe passivation of the electrode surface. Hence, a transport-kimited response is not obtained at a Pt rotated-disk electrode by conventional linear scan or staircase voltammetry
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