Panspermia of GeoData in Support Systems for Design and Execution of Operational Procedures

Autor: George Tsavdaridis, Elias Koukoutsis, Nikolaos V. Karadimas
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: 2016 Third International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Sciences and in Industry (MCSI).
DOI: 10.1109/mcsi.2016.046
Popis: In the present paper, the desired Data/Info that the operational officers need is examined, both during the design phase and during the execution of operational missions. This information has been developed and organized by several military and civilian authorities and organizations at national and international level, but there are severe problems in acquiring external collections of Data/Info. In addition, the observatories of information and repositories of data have collapsed by their large volume. The most significant note is the fact that the desired Data/Info is directly or indirectly georeferenced, very high volume, complex, diversified, with internal correlations and therefore requires special handling. Operational officers' duty is supported by useful and powerful tools such as Geographical Information Systems, which resolve complex geographical problems in order to take accurate and timely decisions. Nowadays, organizing of Support Systems for designing, monitoring and controlling of operational procedures follow ad hoc heuristic methodologies and forms of internal architectures, which are not able to handle large volume of data core (information), to achieve upgrading, thematic augmentation or shift and do not present the required desirable inner interoperability. The complexity of these Systems does not, also, permit the increasing or modification of the range of the data core (information) functions. There are many technical difficulties in organizing large sets of Data/Info in a single (even composite) Information System. It is imperative, by a systematic and orthological way to construct suitable organized georeferenced data cores (and programs) in order to support the operational procedures for a significant number of different missions. It is possible a general, common and adaptable core program to be constructed based on the aforementioned core data.
Databáze: OpenAIRE