Laboratory Models of Diseases Altering Ureteral Hydrodynamics

Autor: Peregrina C. Labay, Saul Boyarsky
Rok vydání: 1971
DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-12-121250-6.50036-8
Popis: Publisher Summary This chapter focuses on several laboratory models of diseases altering ureteral hydrodynamics. The simplest anatomic examples of abnormalities in the ureter that alter peristalsis are the immobile segment, a defect bridged by a plastic tube, a fibrotic segment, and a ureter encased in a periureteral fibrosis. Ureteral stricture is a constricted aperistaltic segment that acts as a physiological dam to increase the resistance through that segment and, eventually, to diminish the maximum flow rate. It tends to elevate the intraluminal pressure above the point of obstruction and to distend the ureteral segment proximal to the stricture. The ureter at the level of the obstruction develops inflammatory edema, followed by proliferative changes to form a ureteral bar, fibrotic inflammatory tissues, and then a scar. Below the calculus, the ureter is empty, unstimulated, and inactive. A model or schema can be synthesized from these various conditions to summarize the factors modifying the pathophysiologic effects of ureteral obstructions with renal, ureteral, and intraluminal factors.
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