Light Induced Degradation of Solar Cells from High-Performance Multicrystalline Silicon

Autor: Sporleder, K., Luka, T., Eiternick, S., Hübener, K., Petter, K., Scheer, R., Turek, M.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
DOI: 10.4229/eupvsec20162016-2bv.7.7
Popis: 32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition; 883-885
The diversified c-Si materials market is dominated by high-performance multicrystalline (HPmc) wafer. This material is characterized by a large number of small grains while these grains exhibit a strongly reduced density of structural intra-grain defects. Thus, solar cells made of HPmc-wafer can show a significantly increased performance. However, it has been shown, that depending on the wafer production process, light induced degradation (LID) might occur, which results in an efficiency loss of up to 10 %rel. This degradation has been termed “sponge- LID” due to its characteristic appearance in luminescence imaging. It cannot be explained by the well-known mechanisms due to the formation of boron-oxygen-pairs or the separation of iron-boron complexes and is also unrelated to the mc-LID effect, observed on mc-Si PERC cells. Sponge-LIDs harmful impact on efficiency is related to a decrease in all cell parameters. However, strongest decay is observed in short circuit current which mainly due to a change in bulk recombination, while emitter and rear recombination are mostly unaffected. Kinetics of defect activation is strongly influenced by intensity of illumination. On the other hand, a variation of the degradation temperature between 25 °C and 75 °C does not influence the sponge-LID kinetics which is in contrast to other degradation mechanisms. Spatially resolved light beam induced current measurements of sponge-LID on single grains show that the defects are located within a small area around grain boundaries.
Databáze: OpenAIRE