1D Tool for Stator-Rotor Cavities Integrated Into a Fluid Network Solver of Heavy-Duty Gas Turbine Secondary Air System

Autor: Mirko Micio, A. Vinci, Marco Mantero, Luca Bozzi, Luca Innocenti, Federico Bonzani
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Volume 4: Heat Transfer, Parts A and B.
Popis: In order to improve performance of heavy-duty gas turbines, in terms of efficiency and reliability, accurate calculation tools are required to simulate the SAS (Secondary Air System) and estimate the minimum amount of cooling and sealing air to ensure the integrity of hot gas path components. A critical component of this system is the cavity formed between coaxial rotating and stationary discs, that needs a sealing flow to prevent the hot gas ingestion. This paper gives a general overview of a 1D tool for the analysis of stator-rotor cavities and its integration into an “in-house” developed fluid network solver to analyse the behaviour of the secondary air system over different operating conditions. The 1D cavity solver calculates swirl, pressure and temperature profiles along the cavity radius. Thanks to its integration into the SAS code, the cavity solver allows estimation of sealing air flows, taking into account directly of the interaction between inner and outer extraction lines of blades and vanes. This procedure has been applied to the AE94.3A secondary air system and the results are presented in terms of sealing flows variation for the cavities of second and third vane on gas turbine load and ambient conditions. In some different load conditions, calculated secondary air flows are compared to experimental data coming from the AE94.3A Ansaldo fleet.Copyright © 2010 by ASME
Databáze: OpenAIRE