Responsibility As a Goal and Ethical Norm in Counseling for Sustainable Development and Decent Work in the Age of Anthropocene

Autor: Violetta Drabik-Podgórna
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Interventions in Career Design and Education ISBN: 9783319919676
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-91968-3_5
Popis: Making the idea of sustainable development a reality speaks to the commitment to invest reasonably in the future. It involves efforts that promote economic growth, preservation of natural resources and social development. The latter includes, among others, common access to lifelong education which equips people with competences they need to function successfully in today’s world and fosters individuals’ responsibility and balanced development. The achievement of these goals is furthered by guidance and counseling which support education and assist people in designing their lives. The rise of the notion of the Anthropocene in scholarship has recast the language of politics, research and art. As the place and role of humans in the world are being redefined, our responsibility for the changes we affect as a species is being highlighted, while the imperative that we collectively and individually take care of the world and leave it to the future generations as a hospitable place to live in is being touted. My chapter focuses on responsibility and shows the role of ethics in life design counseling. Helping in decision-making about the future, counseling supports clients in taking responsibility for themselves and their environments as, ethically, “the human is responsible for what he/she chooses. The human is also responsible for the shape that his/her decisions give to existence” (Popielski, K, Koncepcja logoteorii V. E. Frankla i jej znaczenie w poradnictwie psychologiczno-pastoralnym [V. E. Frankl’s logotheory and its relevance to psychological pastoral counselling]. In: Chlewinski Z (ed) Wybrane zagadnienia z psychologii pastoralnej [Selected issues in pastoral psychology]. KUL, Lublin, pp 68–102, 1998). This means that fostering responsibility in clients can be counseling’s valid goal. At the same time, responsibility for constructing social relationships demands that counselors adopt the position of dialogue and partnership. Responsibility (both formal and substitutive) can thus be identified as a principle of subject-oriented interventions in counseling.
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