Development of a Dual Pendulum Thrust Stand for Hall Thrusters

Autor: Yoshihiro Arakawa, Kimiya Komurasaki, Shigeru Yokota, Naoki Nagao
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: 43rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit.
Popis: A 2D dual pendulum thrust stand was developed to measure thrust vector of a Hall thruster without thermal effect. A thruster is mounted on a pendulum and gap sensors are mounted on the other. By measuring thrust from the displacement between two pendulums, a thermal drift effect is canceled out. Two crossover knife-edges enable the pendulums to swing in both main thrust direction and its transversal direction. Thrust calibration using a pulley and weight system showed that the measurement errors were less than 0.25 mN (1.4%) in the main thrust direction and 0.09 mN (1.4%) in its transversal direction. The vector angle of a steering Hall thruster was measured with the stand. Thrust signal shows that the thermal effect is negligible on this stand. A vector angle of 2.3(±0.2) deg was measured.
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