Wear Behavior of Ceramic-Metal Composites as Tool Material for FSW of Copper

Autor: Mart Kolnes, Jakob Kübarsepp, Fjodor Sergejev, Märt Kolnes, Marek Tarraste, Mart Viljus
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Solid State Phenomena. 320:144-149
ISSN: 1662-9779
Popis: Friction stir welding (FSW) is employed primarily for metals characterized by poor weldability at fusion welding: aluminium, magnesium, titanium and copper alloys as well as stainless steels. The focus of the study was on the feasibility of application of WC-based hardmetal 85WC-Co and TiC-based cermet 80TiC-NiMo as potential tool materials for FSW of copper. The single-pass welding trials of Cu sheets were performed using a vertical milling machine. For better understanding of interactions between the tool and workpiece at welding temperature EDS line scans across the interfaces tool-workpiece after welding as well as after diffusion tests were performed. It was concluded that both tested ceramic-metal composites did not failure during multiple plunges and during the total transverse welding distance of 10 m. Also, significant tool wear was not observed after such a welding distance. The possibility of producing visually defect-free welds using tools from WC- and TiC- based ceramic-metal composites was proved and also mutual diffusion of elements across the interface tool-workpiece was discussed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE