Differential Lipid Profiles in Experimental Steatohepatitis: Role for Imaging Mass Spectrometry as a Diagnostic Aid

Autor: Dale S. Cornett, Suzanne M. de la Monte, Emine B. Yalcin, Kavin M Nunez
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Journal of Drug and Alcohol Research. 4:1-11
ISSN: 2090-8342
DOI: 10.4303/jdar/235928
Popis: Background. Ethanol, tobacco-specific nitrosamine ketone (NNK), and ethanol+NNK exposures cause steatohepatitis, suggesting that smoking can be a cofactor in alcoholic liver disease. Study design. We used MALDI-TOF imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) to characterize hepatic lipid profiles in steatohepatitis caused by ethanol, NNK, and ethanol+NNK. Results. Ethanol, NNK, and ethanol+NNK increased levels and altered the profiles of hepatic phospholipids. Ethanol caused striking accumulations of m/z 932.7 phosphatidylinositol (PI). NNK increased hepatic levels of PIs with m/z's of 934.8, 960.8, and 962.7. Relative abundance of PIs with m/z's of 857.9 or 883.7 increased progressively from control to NNK, then ethanol, and finally ethanol+NNK, indicating differential and additive effects of these exposures. In contrast, no differences occurred with respect to phosphatidylethanolamine (m/z 766.9), phosphatidylserine (m/z 810.9) or PIs with m/z of 960.8 or 962.7. Principal component analysis generated distinct exposure-related hepatic lipid profiles. Conclusion. MALDI-IMS could serve as a complementary diagnostic aid for differentiating underlying causes of steatohepatitis.
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