Remote Robot Task Monitoring Using the IDAC-1

Autor: John N. Lygouras, John Koutras, Kostas N. Tarchanidis, Theodore Pachidis
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: 2006 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference Proceedings.
ISSN: 1091-5281
DOI: 10.1109/imtc.2006.235968
Popis: This project uses an IDAC-1 board to sample the joint angle position of the PUMA 761 robot and log the results on a computer. The robot is at the task location and the logging computer is located in a different one. The task the robot is performing is based on a Pseudo Stereo Vision System (PSVS). Internet is the transport media. The protocol used in this project is UDP/IP. The actual angle is taken straight from the PUMA controller. High-resolution potentiometers are connected on each robot joint and are buffered and sampled as potential difference on an A/D converter integrated on the IDAC-1. The logging computer through the Internet acting as client asks for the angle set, the IDAC-1 responds as server with the 10-bit resolution sampling of the joint position. A 3D robot model is used to present the actual robot position. The whole task is logged in a file on the logging computer. This application can give the ability to the Internet user to monitor and log the robot tasks anywhere in the Word Wide Web (www).
Databáze: OpenAIRE