Theoretical Composition Calibration and Thickness Measurement in the Analysis of Multielement Thin Films Using Wavelength Dispersive Spectroscopy: Applications to Lead Zirconate Titanate Thin Films

Autor: Kyung–Mun Byun, Jae Whan Kim, Won-Jong Lee
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 36:L1242
ISSN: 1347-4065
Popis: The composition of a thin film measured by wavelength dipersive spectroscopy (WDS) deviates from the actual value if the film thickness is less than the X-ray generation depth of the elements measured. For multielement films, the measured concentration of the element with a shallow X-ray generation range is overestimated compared with that of the element with a deep X-ray generation range. In the case of lead zirconate titanate (PZT) films, the deviation of the measured composition ratio Pb/(Zr+Ti) from the actual value becomes more pronounced as the films become thinner. Accordingly, the composition measured by WDS needs to be calibrated for the film thickness. In this study, composition correction factors were derived theoretically as a function of the film thickness in order to calibrate the composition of thin PZT films obtained by WDS analysis. The thicknesses of films were calculated from the sum of [ ZAF] k of each element obtained in WDS analysis, and those values were compared with the experimental results.
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