A storage-retrieval MPT analysis of the wakeful resting effect

Autor: Erdfelder, Edgar, Schnieders, Bastian, Pütter, Julian Quevedo
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.17605/osf.io/zrj94
Popis: In a recent study by Martini et al. (2020), social media usage after learning had negative effects on later recall performance for previously studied vocabulary when compared to a wakeful resting condition. Building on this interesting insight, we will extend the original design and procedure. More specifically, we will add a third condition where participants study further vocabulary to induce more similarity-based retroactive interference (RI). Additionally, we will include recognition tests to accommodate the application of a storage-retrieval multinomial processing tree (MPT) model. This combination of methodological and analytical modifications will allow us to decide whether the wakeful resting effect found by Martini et al. (2020) and others (see Wamsley, 2019) (a) replicates, and (b) is best explained by consolidation accounts, more traditional retroactive interference accounts, or both.
Databáze: OpenAIRE