Biosensor technology for the detection of illegal drugs I: objectives, preparatory work, and drug enrichment

Autor: Florian Dr. Binder, Reinhold Dr Hilpert, Hans-Peter Dr Josel, Helmut Oberpriller, Klaus Hallermayer, Christian Klein, Frieder W. Scheller, Josef Ritter, Michael Grol, Josef Maier
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: SPIE Proceedings.
ISSN: 0277-786X
Popis: In a joint project of Deutsche Aerospace, Boehringer Mannheim and the University of Potsdam portabledevices for the detection of illegal drugs, based on biosensor technology, are being developed. Theconcept comprises enrichment of the drug from the gas phase and detection by immunological means.Part I of this publication covers the description of our objectives, preparatory work and results concerningenrichment of drugs from the gas phase.Vapour pressures of cocaine and cannabinoids have been determined. A test gas generator has beenconstructed which allows for reproducible preparation of cocaine concentrations between 2 ng/l and 2pg/I. Coupling of a thermodesorption unit with GC/MS has been established for reference analysis. Asanother analytical tool, an ELISA with a lower detection limit of about 0,5 pg cocaine/assay has beendeveloped.Applying fleece-type adsorbers, enrichment factors for cocaine in the range of i05 have been realized.No significant interference was found with potentially disturbing substances.Kejwords: illegal drugs, cocaine, cannabidiol, vapour pressure, detection, enrichment, gas phase, fleeceadsorber, elution
Databáze: OpenAIRE