Design retargetable platform system for microprocessor functional test

Autor: Jia Song, Ji Lijiu, Jiang Anping Jiang Anping, Liu Ling Liu Ling, Feng Wennan Feng Wennan
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Asian Test Symposium
DOI: 10.1109/ats.2003.1250856
Popis: Microprocessors are extremely versatile and complexity that present significantly test challenges. This paper describes a retargetable functional test platform system design for various microprocessors. Characterized by configurable test environment generator, retargetable assembler and strong ATPG the platform system could automatically produce different test environment and assemble out relative test codes to adapt to the microprocessor under test. Experiments show that the platform system works correctly, flexibly and efficiently.
Databáze: OpenAIRE