Design of the Civil Protection Data Model for Smart Cities

Autor: Petr Svoboda, Tomas Balint, Dušan Vičar, Jakub Rak, Jan Micka
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering ISBN: 9783030215064
Popis: This article describes the design of a data model for the purposes of civil protection. In order to design the data model, an E-R diagram is used and processed in the editor. The data model is designed using scientific methods of analysis, observation, abstraction, and especially modeling. Not only these methods serve to identify the key entities and their attributes, but they are also used to create the conceptual and logical data scheme. Individual entities and their attributes are subsequently entered into the E-R diagram and they form a conceptual data scheme of the civil protection data model. In addition, the article outlines a logical data scheme of the civil protection data model in which the formats of individual entities and attributes are indicated. Finally, the article evaluates the applicability of the designed data model and suggests other areas of research associated with its direct application to selected cities.
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