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The author of doctoral thesis: Mg.oec. Ilze Prizevoite. The topic of the doctoral thesis: Remuneration and performance of teachers of general education institutions in the regions of Latvia. Hypothesis: there are several factors that increase the performance of teachers in the regions of Latvia, but the financial remuneration is the most important of them. The aim of the doctoral thesis is to evaluate the financial and non-financial remuneration of teachers of general education institutions in the regions of Latvia and to develop proposals for increasing the performance of teachers. The following tasks are set to achieve the aim: 1. to study the theoretical aspects of financial and non-financial remuneration and performance; 2. characteristic of the education sector and at the same time the place and role of employees in the Latvian economy; 3. determine the principles of the procedure for financing the salaries of teachers of general educational institutions, the influencing factors and their role in the development of the regions of Latvia; 4. factors influencing the performance of teachers in general education institutions of Latvian regions and its increase. To achieve the aim, the outline of the study is structured in four chapters with a subchapters. The first chapter presents the theoretical framework of the financial and non-financial dimensions of remuneration systems, analysing each of its components. Theoretical issues of performance have been studied and factors influencing performance have been identified. The second chapter analyzes international and Latvian teachers' salary levels from the perspectives of both institutional policy and legality. Using elements of analysis methods, socio-economic indicators of the education sector in Latvia and its regions described (share of the education sector in GDP, general government expenditure on education, state consolidated budget expenditure on education, average gross monthly salary of employees, etc.), the general education system in Latvia and the regions is examined in depth. The third chapter analyzes the teachers' financial remuneration or the procedure for financing teachers' salaries “Money follows the student” and its legal framework. Factors influencing the wages, allowances, bonuses, and benefits of teachers working in general education institutions in the regions, counties and cities of the Republic have been identified and analyzed. As well as the potential threats and opportunities for the development of Latvia's regions of the financing procedure “Money follows the student” have been determined, the strengths and weaknesses have been identified. The fourth chapter analyzes the results of the survey of teachers and directors / deputy directors working in general education institutions in the regions of Latvia on the factors influencing the performance of teachers. Based on the results of the research, the author developed scenarios for increasing the performance of teachers. The results of the scenario evaluation were analyzed using the AHP method. The final part formulates main conclusions and main findings as well as reveals problems and gives proposals to solve them. The volume of the doctoral thesis for obtaining the degree of doctor of economics and business (Ph.D.) are 169 pages. The thesis contains 27 tables, 61 figures and 14 annexes; it the author has used 216 sources of information, including 136 sources in English. |