Baltic Concerns and Moderate Engagement

Autor: Margarita Šešelgytė
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: L'Europe en Formation. :177
ISSN: 2410-9231
DOI: 10.3917/eufor.389.0177
Popis: EnglishThe chapter looks into the moderate engagement of Baltic states in CSDP and aims to reveal the reasons behind this phenomenon. It as well argues that the position of Baltic states vis-a-vis European defence innovations has slightly changed since 2016 to a more pragmatic one. It finally concludes that this positive change is quite fragile and might be reversed due to three influencing factors: if European defence reforms stall or if the EU re-engages with Russia, or even in case of an increase in transatlantic tensions francaisCet article examine l’engagement modere des Etats baltes envers la PSDC et vise a reveler les raisons de ce phenomene. Il fait egalement valoir que la position des Etats baltes a l’egard des innovations europeennes en matiere de defense a legerement change et est devenue plus pragmatique depuis 2016. Enfin, il conclut que ce changement positif reste fragile et pourrait meme s’inverser sous l’influence de trois facteurs : si les reformes de la defense europeenne s’enlisent, si l’UE renoue avec la Russie, ou bien en cas de montee des tensions transatlantiques
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