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An Agrobid is a system that used to help and increase the number of farming. In this system we are providing online assistance to those landowners who can provide place for agriculture to farmers. A landowner simply needs to register to this system if he has got some land. Then as per requirements landowners select the farmers through bidding. Support will be provided in various types of agriculture like fish farming, honey bee farming, paddy fields, plantations, vegetable, fruits etc. Also there will be provisions for the farmer to make sale the items in this system, directly to a user. Admin adds new types of cultivation. Admin can accept or reject the farmer’s registration request. Land owner has to be registered to the system. He will be having a login after registration. He has to enter the land details. Land owner can sent cultivation request to the farmer. He can also accept or reject price quotes from farmer or select farmer by bidding. Agreement is made between the land owner and farmer. Landowner can accept or reject the land return request. He have the provision to give rating to farmer. A farmer should be registered to use the system after registration, he will be provided with a login. He can also add cultivation types to the system. He can participate in bidding for land. He will be the one who pays the land owner. Farmer can also fix the rates of products he cultivated. Land return request has to be submitted to the land owner, by the farmer. He can also accept or reject purchase request of his products and he has to enter sale details to the system. Customer can register and will have a login. He can purchase the items from the farmer by giving a purchase request to the farmer. There will be provisions to give feedbacks and complaints. |