Follikuläre lymphatische Hyperplasie des Dünndarmes bei Antikörpermangelsyndrom

Autor: K. Havemann, H. Kalbfleisch, H.-G. Klingemann, C.-P. Sodomann
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: DMW - Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift. 106:775-778
ISSN: 1439-4413
DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1070399
Popis: Selective serum IgA deficiency and follicular lymphatic hyperplasia of the terminal ileum were observed in a 30-year-old patient. Due to the relative ileal stenosis he complained of colicky abdominal pains particularly after flatulant food. There was no malabsorption syndrome or lambliasis. Although immunohistochemically IgA producing plasma cells were demonstrated in the intestinal wall, no immunoglobulin could be demonstrated in the intestinal juice, suggesting a secretory defect. The very high percentage of IgE producing plasma cells was noteworthy, these cells having led to the macroscopical picture of follicular hyperplasia. Due to the relative frequency of IgA deficiency (about 1 : 700) and the known increased incidence of malignant disease regular surveillance of these patients is indicated.
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