Green Supply Chain Network Design for the Final Disposal of Used Tires that Mitigate the Environmental Impact in Barranquilla City

Autor: M Danna Betancourt, Luis Ramirez Polo
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering ISBN: 9783030493691
Popis: One of the main bases that protect green logistics is the opportunity to continue producing through conservation, which translates as the generation of self-sufficient. The main objective is to reduce the environmental impact in transport activities, and a different approach to the life cycle of the product. This paper show the evaluation of final disposal strategies for tires used in a sector of Barranquilla, Colombia, performing an analysis of the current state and seeking to reduce the environmental impact through techniques such as recycling and reuse, designing a green supply chain by means of multi-objective mathematical models that optimize the profitability and cost of network design and CO2 environmental emission.
Databáze: OpenAIRE