Charity considerations: issues of transparency and governance

Autor: Linda S. Spedding
Rok vydání: 2009
DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-7506-8621-1.00017-6
Popis: Corporate support is vital to many prominent areas of the voluntary sector, including aspects of the art world and other nonprofit-making ventures. Meanwhile in the sports world there are often well-publicized connections that create issues of governance. Support and giving can be highly influential as well as tax efficient. While this has been true for some time in the USA, the tax implications have become increasingly important in the UK more recently. Therefore, as far as concerns both the donor and the beneficiary, transparency is the most important. One noteworthy example that illustrates the increasing connections between charities and corporate giving in the USA related to the well-documented Enron corporate scandal. The connection between Enron and the foundation associated with Kenneth Lay, the company's disgraced former chairman was controversial. The full extent to which charities favored by Enron directors benefited from Lay and his company's patronage is unknown, due to the complexity of the arrangements and lack of information. What is clear is that much of the corporate philanthropy is strategic.
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