Cognitive Pedagogy or a Strict Nominalistic Approach to Pedagogy

Autor: F. Vandamme, R. U. Ghent
Rok vydání: 1986
Zdroj: Pragmatics and Education ISBN: 9781475715767
Popis: How important in the educative process are language deviations and language disturbances? Are we dealing here with something mar­ginal to the educative process or are we rather, immediately at the heart of the matter? In other words is the contemplation of language deviations and disturbances a phenomenon lying at the edge of the whole educative process? The answer to this question will determine how one handles language deviation and its treatment. If one considers it as a marginal phenomenon, then language deviation is a matter relevant only a) for a few specialists who as or with logopedists must help the deviating child when his deviation be­comes very large or hindering, or b) it is the business of the general educator, when he has spare time or has realized his glo­bal objectives or as a breather, to hold himself busy with the language of his patients, his children.
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