Die nicht-invasive Bestimmung des Hirndruckes durch den Augenarzt: physiologische Grundlagen und Vorgehen in der Praxis

Autor: R Meyer-Schwickerath, R Stodtmeister, Kathi Hartmann
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde. 221:1007-1011
ISSN: 1439-3999
DOI: 10.1055/s-2004-813820
Popis: It has been shown in some recently published papers that the intracranial pressure can be determined by dynamometric measurement of the outflow pressure of the central retinal vein (VOP). The knowledge gained by the basic experiments of Baurmann in 1925 has been forgotten by the ophthalmic community for many years. In this paper the basic phenomena of venous collapse are outlined which are fundamentally different from the biomechanics of the arterial collapse phenomenon observed by ophthalmodynamometry. A practical guideline is given for the dynamometric measurement of venous outflow pressure which equals the intracranial pressure. Performing dynamometry of the central retinal vein enables the ophthalmologist to determine intracranial pressure in a non-invasive way.
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