Dashtgard Dissertation - final study

Autor: Dashtgard, Pasha
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.17605/osf.io/utpab
Popis: This is the final TMS validation study. I've put the TMS alongside a host of other masculinity and political identity instruments, to establish external validity. I will be assessing how total score on the TMS relates to political affiliation and feeling towards specific politicians (i.e. Trump and Biden), feelings towards grievance-based groups (i.e. BLM, Proud Boys, Incels, etc), the Ambivalent Sexism Scale, the Dark Triad of Personality, Psychological Entitlement Scale, SDO, RWA, COVID behaviors, religion, race-ethnicity, relationship status, and other demographics.
Databáze: OpenAIRE