Apparatus for Online Power Transformer Winding Monitoring Using Bushing Tap Injection

Autor: K.D. Srivastava, J.A. Vandermaar, Jose R. Marti, Arvind Singh, T. De Rybel, M. Wang
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 24:996-1003
ISSN: 1937-4208
DOI: 10.1109/tpwrd.2009.2022674
Popis: Online transformer condition monitoring techniques based on transfer function methods, such as transmission-line diagnostics and swept frequency-response analysis, require the injection of a known test signal into the transformer. On larger power transformers, a practical method is to use the available bushing tap connection. In this paper, we will discuss a custom high-power signal generator that injects high-frequency signals on the bushing tap of the transformer under investigation, as well as a circuit to replace the bushing tap short and allow online operation of the system. Finally, the system is demonstrated on a 650 kV transformer.
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