Biochar and its contribution to plant nutrition, growth and defense

Autor: González Marquetti Ivonne, Rodríguez Hernández Mayra G., Peteira Delgado-Oramas Belkis, Schmidt Hnas-Peter
Jazyk: Spanish; Castilian
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6341930
Popis: Biochar is aromatic carbon rich-C used to improve soil fertility. This product isproposed as an alternative to face the climate change due to its ability to sequester atmospheric carbon.Its physical-chemical characteristics are influenced by the type of biomass and the conditions in whichpyrolysis is developed. It has been demonstrated that this material can have high contents of N, P, K,Mg, Mn, Na, Ca, Cu, Zn, Co, Si, Mo, Cr, Ni, and other trace elements. Soil biochar application caninduce morphophysiological and metabolic changes in plants and improve their interactionsestablished with soil microorganisms, including mycorrhizal fungi, plantgrowthpromoting bacteriaand antagonistic fungi such as Trichoderma. Biochar can be enriched or combined with compost, fertilizers and beneficial microorganisms promoting growth and defense of plants against differentpests. The interactive effect of biochar with earthworms is soil-specific, because it depends on thequality of the soil in which they come into contact. In addition, biochar is capable of suppressingdifferent soil pests and inducing systemic resistance against foliar pathogens in some plants. The aimof this work was to analyze and summarize aspects related to biochar and plant nutrition, plant growthpromotion, biochar and other soil organisms favoring the growth and development of plants,relationship of this product with the decrease/suppression of pests and the defense of plants, as well assome considerations about this product application.
Databáze: OpenAIRE