Understanding communication between patients and healthcare professionals regarding comprehensive biomarker testing in precision oncology: a scoping review

Autor: Anndra D. Parviainen, Dehar, Navdeep, Dinkel, Andreas, Hennink, Merel, Wicki, Nicole, De Los Rios De La Serna, Celia Diez, Raske, Vincent, Mumm, Friederike, Pichler, Theresia, Heinrich, Kathrin, Moore, Amy, Dickman, Erin
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.17605/osf.io/jf54b
Popis: Introduction: Precision oncology, using comprehensive biomarker testing (CBT) to inform individual cancer prognosis and treatment, is increasingly available and raises hopes for improved treatment. However, the highly complex and fast-paced technologies, the inherent interweaving of research and clinical practice, and the multiprofessional collaboration considerably challenge communication between healthcare professionals (HCPs), patients with cancer and their family members. This review summarizes the latest knowledge regarding HCP-patient communication surrounding comprehensive biomarker testing and identifies important avenues for improvement in clinical practice and future research in precision oncology. Content: This scoping literature review aims to identify trends of patient-provider communication in precision oncology care. This encompasses the procedural aspects of communication, including informed consent and results disclosure, difficulties in communicating, e.g. due to a lack of understanding and knowledge, insights into shared decision making within this context as well as the perspectives of health care providers in multiprofessional teams. Methodology: PubMed was searched with selected keywords and four independent reviewers selected publications from 2017-2022 at title and abstract and subsequent at full-text level. Records were included if they dealt with any information related to comprehensive biomarker testing in oncology and pertained to any aspect or phase of biomarker testing-related communication (pre- or post-testing). Records were excluded if they dealt solely with genetic and germline testing (e.g. regarding preventive medicine), direct-to-consumer genetic testing, other testing not indicated for treatment or with pediatric oncology. Target audiences and anticipated impact: The results of this scoping review aim to summarize evidence on communication aspects regarding CBT and thus inform healthcare providers, as well as patient advocates and patients. The review can outline gaps in clinical practice processes of CBT that can inform support activities for patients and HCPs, and identify lack of available insights.
Databáze: OpenAIRE