Modern aspects of clinical, radiological and computed tomographic diagnostics of odontogenic cysts and the results of their treatment

Autor: A. T. Shakirova, I. I. Kamalov, I. G. Yamashev
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Kazan medical journal. 82:64-66
ISSN: 2587-9359
DOI: 10.17816/kazmj72002
Popis: There are many classifications of jaw cystic formations. The most perfect is the International histological classification of odontogenic tumors, cystic lesions of the jaws and tumor-like processes, approved by WHO in 1971. According to WHO, the group of epithelial cysts includes both developing ones, including odontogenic (primordial or keratocyst, gingival, erupting, follicular) and non-ontogenic origin (nasopalatine duct, globular-maxillary, nasolabial or so-called naso-alveolar), and inflammatory (radicular) tumor-like formations.
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