Misinterpretation of heart rate recordings in fetal death

Autor: H.P. Maeder, T.H. Lippert
Rok vydání: 1972
Zdroj: European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2:167-170
ISSN: 0028-2243
DOI: 10.1016/0028-2243(72)90040-8
Popis: It has been shown that recordings of heart rate patterns by the fetal scalp electrode technic is not necessarily a sign that the fetus is still alive. Monitor recordings of heart rate after fetal death had occurred, have been demonstrated to be of maternal origin. Misinterpretation of the tracing may lead to unnecessary surgical procedures being carried out in an attempt to save the fetus. A comparison of maternal heart rate with recorded heart frequency should always be made when fetal intrauterine death is suspected.
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