Characterization of landform in Bastar plateau using high resolution ALOS-DEM data

Autor: BL Deshmukh, G. P. Obi Reddy, GP Ayam, Rekha Saxena, GK Shrivastava, KK Sahu, Nirmal Kumar, S. K. Singh
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: International Journal of Chemical Studies. 8:997-1000
ISSN: 2321-4902
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i1m.8376
Popis: In the study, an attempt has been made to delineate the landforms of Goriyabahar Nala watershed in hot sub-humid ecological sub-regions (ESR) of Bastar Plateau, Chhattisgarh. To achieve the objectives of the study, freely available open source high resolution satellite data viz. 12.5 m ALOS-DEM (Digital Elevation Model) were utilized. ALOS-DEM was analyzed to extract terrain parameters like elevation, contour, slope, hillshade, drainage, etc. and was visually interpreted. Based on the contour lines at 5 m intervals, seven major landforms were identified, namely subdued hills, undulating uplands, undulating midlands, undulating lowlands, upper valley, narrow valley and alluvial plains. The study manifest that the high resolution satellite data viz. ALOS-DEM will be of immense help in delineation of distinct landforms.
Databáze: OpenAIRE