Arbitraje comercial y de las inversiones by Fernando Cantuarias Salaverry

Autor: Nicolas Ulmer
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Arbitration International. 24:623-626
ISSN: 1875-8398
DOI: 10.1093/arbitration/24.4.623
Popis: Arbitraje comercial y de las inversiones by Fernando Cantuarias Salaverry. Published by Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (2007, 974 pp.). A couple of years ago a group of prominent Spanish lawyers and arbitration practitioners embarked on a tour of Latin America. The stated purpose of the trip was to present and explain Spain’s new arbitration law and the UNCITRAL Model Law from which it was largely adapted. The subtext was to vaunt Spain as an ideal venue for Latin American disputes—a genre of arbitral reconquista of the old colonies. The Spanish delegation was slightly perturbed when Dr Fernando Cantuarias Salaverry rose to inform them that Peru’s arbitration law, incorporating most of the Model Law, had (at that time) already been in place for more than eight years and was functioning well, and that it was the Peruvian experience that might merit attention from these Europeans. Dr Cantuarias ought to know. He was a member of the Comision sobre Sistemas Alternatives de Administration de Justicia: Mediation, Conciliation y Arbitraje, formed by the Peruvian Ministry of Justice in 1994, whose work led to Peru’s well-adapted Ley General de Arbitraje (LGA) in 1996;9 he is also one of the principal commentators on the LGA. Nor is Peruvian arbitration a theoretical concept: the statistics reported by Dr Cantuarias reveal that Peru’s most important arbitral institution, the Camara de Comercio de Lima, has, from the 1996 promulgation of the LGA to 2005, administered more than 1,000 arbitrations, with the total amount in dispute being some US$ 1 billion. Peru has a number of other arbitral institutions in addition to the Camara of Lima, and Peruvian parties and the Peruvian state have also been active in numerous international arbitrations. Dr Fernando Cantuarias, the author of this large volume, is Dean of the law faculty at the Universidad Pueruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, which published the book. Dr Cantuarias is also a frequent arbitrator in both domestic …
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