Ecosystem of universities: transformation of the Russian education system

Autor: Anna Myagkova, Kristina Pavlyukevich, Hazhmuhamed Etuev, Natal'ya Uzyumova, Andrey Lukichev, Svetlana Epishina, Sergey Gavrilov, Nadezhda Solovova, Liliya Prihod'ko, Chinara Kerimova, Dmitriy Galushko, Lyudmila Aleksandrova, Boris Slavin, Konstantin Krinichanskiy, Svetlana Dubova, Natal'ya Besedkina, Marina Abramova, Natal'ya Sergeeva, Gul'nara Ruchkina, Elena Didenko, Svetlana Solyannikova, Ekaterina Kameneva, Stanislav Prokof'ev
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: The relevance of the monograph is determined by changes in the surrounding reality, the development of the digital economy, which actively influences the formation and development of ecosystems of business, banking, public services, etc.; the need to determine the main trends in the development of the modern ecosystem of universities for the formation of in-demand graduates able to work in the special conditions of modern development of Russia, which determines the formation of a new educational environment, based on the challenges facing our country. All this will contribute to a deeper and more comprehensive study of the structure of the university ecosystem, understanding its features due to the realities of the digital space. An overview of the features of the factors affecting the field of education, including the ecosystems already existing today in various spheres of the Russian economy, is presented. Proposals are made for the formation of a competence-based approach in the university environment in modern conditions. The main elements of the university ecosystem as a new model of the educational environment are considered. Special attention is paid to the development of the university ecosystem of personnel partnership and continuing education. The author's approaches to assessing the quality of education are proposed. The legislation is given as of July 1 , 2022 . It may be of interest to heads of the education system, teachers of higher educational institutions, teachers, employees of organizations of additional professional education, graduate students, undergraduates and students of pedagogical and psychological educational institutions.
Databáze: OpenAIRE