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In this growing world, every thing has became computerized. This is because the technology has expanded so much that every thing has came into our hands. To reduce the efforts of humans, and to save time, this idea has been undertaken. The required hardware and software are easily available and easy to work with. This can lead the farmer for better consumtion of crops. As farmers can get benefits of the schemes that are available for them. If they have any problem or quetionary about the farming, then the farmers can take help of the application to contact with the other officers soo that he can get the desired benefit. In early days, these things were done manually, which needed lots of efforts so to avoid those efforts and extra consumtion of time this project has been undertaken. Doing all these things will bring transperancy between the farmers and the government. So no farmer will be left out from getting the benefits and schemes from the government. This willalso hepl framers in better utilization of the resources. Instead it will also provide the information on which, crop should farmer grow in order to gain the profit. This will allow real time information of crop sowing to be compiled in the application. As there will be increase in participation of the farmers in crop inspection, registration will help in facillating the process of settling crop insurance and crop inspection claims. It will also make it easier for farmers to get peak loans. If the farmers face some losses due the issues like crop damage due to the natural calamities, the government will help them in resolving the same. Keywords: E-survey perception, E-government. |