Autor: M. M. Aslanova, E. K. Gipp, Artemova Tz, Zhuravlev Pv, K. Yu. Kuznetsova, I. A. Abramov, O. V. Gritsyuk, Tamari R. Maniya, Z. E. Fedets, Dmitrieva Ra, Nedachin Ae, A. V. Zagainova, K. A. Novozhilov, Yu. A. Rakhmanin, I. V. Kurbatova, T. V. Doskina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Hygiene and sanitation. 98:1342-1348
ISSN: 2412-0650
Popis: Introduction. The proposed criteria for the sanitary-bacteriological assessment of the quality of tap water must ensure its epidemic safety. In conditions of intensive bacterial contamination of water bodies, a special role is played by the barrier function of water treatment plants in relation to infectious agents. The overall quality of microorganisms is the pronounced resistance in the aquatic environment, primarily resistance to a number of chlorine-containing disinfectants, which guarantee the preservation of the population in drinking water undergone a water treatment system. Therefore, it is necessary to consider other possible ways of disinfection, such as ultraviolet irradiation. Determination of the effective dose of ultraviolet (UV) disinfection against bacterial, viral and parasitic contamination of drinking water. Material and methods. Tap water was used as model water for research. The effectiveness of UV irradiation with doses of 25, 40, 60 mJ / cm2 against microorganisms was studied. Results. In the course of the work, it was established that the UV disinfection technology with a dose of at least 25 mJ/cm2 can be recommended as a disinfection method when used in conjunction with chlorination. Conclusion. In water treatment technology, a dose of at least 25 mJ/cm2 of UV irradiation can be recommended as a method of disinfecting water in case of microbial contamination by bacteria and viruses at a concentration not exceeding nˑ102 cells/virions in 100 ml, and at a concentration of microbiological contamination nˑ103 cells/virions in 100 ml of water, the use of UV disinfection can be recommended only in conjunction with chlorination and with the provision of indices on the residual chlorine in the distribution network before serving to the consumer. The presented scheme will increase the barrier role of water treatment facilities with respect to viral and bacterial contamination, provide a prolonged decontamination effect, contributing to the suppression of bacterial growth in breeding nets and limit the level of parasitic water contamination during water treatment.
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