UVIC REPLICATION: Randomized One and Two-Phase Truthiness

Autor: Fallow, Kaitlyn, Newman, Eryn, D. StephenLindsay, Majd-Zahia Hawily, King-Nyberg, Bennett, Blank, Hartmut, Lee, Jennifer
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.17605/osf.io/zaerw
Popis: This is a third replication of a previously registered project (see original at osf.io/5jb36, first replication at odf.io/3hgzj, and second replication at osf.io/985cd). The two key modifications from the prior replication are: 1) How items are assigned to photo versus no photo condition. The first three studies used two fixed sets of trivia items (CB1 vs. CB2, with half of subjects seeing photos for CB1 and no photos for CBs and vice versa for the remaining subjects). In this study, trivia claims will be randomly assigned to condition and order anew for each participant. This was done in an effort to eliminate problems arising from unintended diffferences between CB1 and CB2. 2. The participant pool and testing situation. To reduce noise, this study will test University of Victoria students in person in groups of up to 15 in a computer classroom session led by an RA. There are also some very minor changes arising from using PsychoPy rather than Qualtrics but those are not expected to be of any consequence.
Databáze: OpenAIRE