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espanolLa biologia evolutiva es una disciplina integradora; sin embargo, en los procesos de ensenanza-aprendizaje ha ocupado espacios curriculares exiguos, que se reducen a un tema o inciso de los programas de estudio, lo que resulta insuficiente para ensenar y aprender biologia en la formacion cientifica basica, media superior y superior. Ante esa situacion, el objetivo de este escrito es plantear que en tanto los fenomenos biologicos se explican desde su funcionalidad e historia evolutiva, es necesario que los contenidos curriculares, la formacion docente y los recursos didacticos den cuenta, al mismo tiempo, de la naturaleza historica y funcional de lo vivo; solo asi podra lograrse la ensenanza y el aprendizaje del pensamiento biologico EnglishThe evolutionary biology is fundamental in the unification of the biological sciences. However, in the teaching-learning processes is reduced to a topic or subsection of programs of study, which is insufficient for teaching and learning biology in the basic scientific training, and higher education. In view of this situation, this paper aims to raise that by reason of as biological phenomena are explained from its functionality and evolutionary history, it is necessary that the curricular content, teacher training and teaching resources realize, at the same time, historical and functional nature of living things; only this way could be achieved the teaching and learning of biological thought |