Iatrogenic fetal goiter. Conservative management and spontaneous resolution

Autor: Margarita Álvarez de la Rosa, Ricardo Darias Garzón, Olga Rosales Aedo, Juan Mario Troyano Luque, Ana Isabel Padilla Pérez
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Case Reports in Perinatal Medicine. 9
ISSN: 2192-8959
DOI: 10.1515/crpm-2019-0074
Popis: Objectives We aim to report a case of a fetal goiter with postpartum spontaneous resolution. Fetal goiter can be secondary to maternal treatment and range from clinically asymptomatic or cause alterations in the fetus, from impaired swallowing to difficulty in vaginal delivery and even perinatal asphyxia due to the mass effect. The need for intrauterine treatment remains controversial. Case presentation We present a case of fetal goiter with postpartum resolution. A 34-year-old multigravida presented to the emergency department with hiperemesis gravidarum at 10 weeks’ gestation. During evaluation for severe vomiting, Graves disease was diagnosed and treated with propylthiouracil. A routine ultrasound scan at 28 weeks gestation revealed a fetal anterior neck mass suggesting a fetal goiter. Cordocentesis showed fetal iatrogenic hypothyroidism. Conservative treatment was decided. Pregnancy concluded uneventful and the mass resolved spontaneously in the newborn. Conclusions The fetal thyroid gland is a structure that usually goes unnoticed during the process of prenatal diagnosis. In cases of maternal Graves diseases, fetal thyroid needs monitoring during pregnancy and conservative treatment is an option. Fetal goiter should be searched for secondary to thyroid alterations of the gravida, and in selected cases it can be managed without intrauterine treatment.
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