Tolerance for Disagreement for Students

Autor: Ivana Miloloža, Vladimir Šimović, Ljubica Bakić-Tomić, Heri Bezic, Marin Milković, Edmond Vlashaj
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Education Reform and Modern Management.
ISSN: 1951-6851
DOI: 10.2991/ermm-14.2014.79
Popis: The 16th of November has been declared in 1995 by the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO) as the International Day of Tolerance, and the United Nations (UN) started a worldwide campaign with the goal of increasing tolerance. Tolerance means "respecting, accepting and acknowledging cultural differences and is the expression of our humanness. It is based on knowledge, openness, communication and freedom of thought, conscience and beliefs. A person's standpoint is considered tolerant if the person accepts the beliefs of others (even though they differ from his own) and accepts other behavioural patterns which differ from his own" (6). A new Media university has been founded in Koprivnica in the Republic of Croatia, which offers three fields of specialisation: media design, media management and journalism. 147 students have enrolled in the university in 2012. The researchers wanted to determine the students' readiness to tolerate the standpoints of other people while disagreeing with them. "Tolerance for Disagreement Scale (TFD)" by James C. McCroskey (4) has been used in the research, which is a scale for measuring disagreement tolerance. The results show that the students of the Media university in Koprivnica tolerate disagreement during communication very well and that gender and age do not affect disagreement tolerance in any way.
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