Active source requirements for assay of sludge drums on the BIR WIT system

Autor: D. C. Camp, G. P. Roberson
Rok vydání: 1998
Popis: The design of the active source for active and passive computed tomography (AP therefore, a single slice is arbitrarily chosen to represent the entire drum. Slice number 8 is used and is located approximately at the center of the drum. Figure 1 shows the averaged projections for different energies derived from the active sinogram of slice number 8 from the CEPRF11 drum. This is the average of all the projections of slice 8 taken over 180 degrees with an active integration time of 6 seconds. Figure 2 is also a graph showing the average of all the projections for slice 8; however, the active integration time is 30 seconds.
Databáze: OpenAIRE