Automated Spectrum Plan Advisor for On-The-Move Networks

Autor: Randy Poe, Andrew Cortese, Yoram Levy, F.G. Loso, Mahbub Hoque, William Heisey, Harris Zebrowitz, Shanti Sharma, William Kline
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: MILCOM 2006.
DOI: 10.1109/milcom.2006.302514
Popis: Warfighters today face new challenges in accessing the electromagnetic spectrum. These challenges are due to the significant growth in spectrum demands for deployed spectrum dependent systems, increased demand for information and advanced C2 concepts associated with net-centricity and increased competition for spectrum resources from commercial and civil interests. This adds up to near complete spectrum saturation in areas of potential DoD deployment. In addition, the rapid pace of future Net Centric Warfare requires spectrum plans for mission specific demands to be reduced from weeks/days to hours/minutes. The Coalition Joint Spectrum Management Planning Tool (CJSMPT) Program is developing a system for assessing and planning at-the-halt (ATH) and on-the-move (OTM) spectrum use that will give warfighters the ability to rapidly predict conflicts and optimize spectrum utilization for mission success. This paper will describe the technical details of the CJSMPT system and its architecture. Details of the CJSMPT automated spectrum de-confliction algorithms will also be presented. Finally, this paper will discuss the current project status and the current transition plan into military operations.
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