Effective sentiment stream analysis with self-augmenting training and demand-driven projection

Autor: Renato Ferreira, Ismael S. Silva, Janaína Gomide, Wagner Meira, Adriano Veloso
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: SIGIR
DOI: 10.1145/2009916.2009981
Popis: How do we analyze sentiments over a set of opinionated Twitter messages? This issue has been widely studied in recent years, with a prominent approach being based on the application of classification techniques. Basically, messages are classified according to the implicit attitude of the writer with respect to a query term. A major concern, however, is that Twitter (and other media channels) follows the data stream model, and thus the classifier must operate with limited resources, including labeled data for training classification models. This imposes serious challenges for current classification techniques, since they need to be constantly fed with fresh training messages, in order to track sentiment drift and to provide up-to-date sentiment analysis. We propose solutions to this problem. The heart of our approach is a training augmentation procedure which takes as input a small training seed, and then it automatically incorporates new relevant messages to the training data. Classification models are produced on-the-fly using association rules, which are kept up-to-date in an incremental fashion, so that at any given time the model properly reflects the sentiments in the event being analyzed. In order to track sentiment drift, training messages are projected on a demand driven basis, according to the content of the message being classified. Projecting the training data offers a series of advantages, including the ability to quickly detect trending information emerging in the stream. We performed the analysis of major events in 2010, and we show that the prediction performance remains about the same, or even increases, as the stream passes and new training messages are acquired. This result holds for different languages, even in cases where sentiment distribution changes over time, or in cases where the initial training seed is rather small. We derive lower-bounds for prediction performance, and we show that our approach is extremely effective under diverse learning scenarios, providing gains that range from 7% to 58%.
Databáze: OpenAIRE