Downstream evolution of grain size in extremely mobile post-earthquake debris flows, China

Autor: Tristram Hales, Runqiu Huang, Erin Harvey, Xuanmei Fan, Qiang Xu, Jie Liu, Daniel E. J. Hobley
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Large, catchment transitioning debris flows are an important mechanism for transporting sediment from hillslopes into higher order channels. Extremely large flows can exceed volumes of 109 m3, however even flows with volumes of ~103 m3 can lead to fatalities and extensive damage. Few processes transport a wider range of grain sizes than debris flows, which can transport grains from clays to 10 m boulders. While the structure of debris flows can often be inferred by their deposits, the range of grain sizes presents a challenge for their interpretation. Debris flow grain size distributions can be used to constrain debris flow runout due to their effect on excess pore pressure dissipation. Currently, there is limited data available for the entire grain size distribution of debris flow deposits in the field.We constrained the entire grain size distribution for two extremely large (>1 km in length) post-earthquake debris flows in Sichuan Province, China. These debris flows were triggered in August 2019 after an extreme rainfall event occurred close to the epicentre of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. We sampled the debris flows in November 2019 at intervals of 200 m and 500 m, respectively. At each site, we used a combination of field and laboratory sieving to obtain the coarse and fine fraction for both the surface and subsurface. We dug 1 m x 1 m x 0.5 m pits, excavating each layer at 10 cm depth increments. We sieved these increments into five size fractions in the field, including < 1 cm. We sieved 1 kg of the
Databáze: OpenAIRE