Assessment of the Impact of Accelerated Aging on the Service Life of Bituminous Waterproofing Sheets

Autor: Roman Kunič, Aleš Krainer, Boris Orel
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 23:1746-1754
ISSN: 1943-5533
Popis: It is not surprising that there has been a considerable increase in recent years in the number of research activities on the scientific and applicative level devoted to analyses of accelerated aging, determination of service life, and life-cycle assessment of constructional complexes. The primary objective of the research was to define the theoretical base supporting measurements of accelerated testing and the connection between aging and the service life of bituminous sheets. The Arrhenius law of accelerated testing as a theoretical support to experimental testing of bituminous sheets at high temperature and different exposure times was used. The current procedure of accelerated aging of bituminous sheets in accordance with European Norms (EN) takes 24 weeks at a testing temperature of +70°C. The test procedure is fairly long and takes place at a relatively low temperature, which does not represent a significant thermal load in the aging of the majority of bituminous products. According to our measuremen...
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