Experimental Investigations of Natural Convection from Circular Plates at Variable Inclination

Autor: Ewa Radziemska, Witold M. Lewandowski
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer. 21:813-816
ISSN: 1533-6808
DOI: 10.2514/1.29027
Popis: EAT transfer from circular disk geometry is very important inmanyapplications.Therehasbeensomeexperimentalresearchdevoted to natural convection heat transfer from stationary circulardisks and plates. For a horizontal plate, Kadambi and Drake [1]proposedthecorrelationforexperimentalresultsobtainedinair.Fawand Dullforce [2] made interferometric studies for a round plate inair, and Schulenberg [3] proposed similarity solutions for a regionaround the stagnation point on the isothermal circular plate withspecifiedtemperatureandspecifiedheatflux.Fujiietal.[4]presenteda theoretical study of natural convection heat transfer fromdownward-facing horizontal surfaces with uniform heat flux. For avertical plate, Lewandowski and Kubski [5] obtained the meancorrelationfromtheresultsof25researchers.Inearlierresearch[6,7]the present authors presented the results of theoretical andexperimental investigations for round horizontal plates facingdownward and for vertical ones. Warneford and Fussey [8] madeexperiments in air for a plate inclined at 85 deg from the vertical.In this paper an experimental study of natural convective heattransfer from an isothermal round plate facing up at arbitrary anglesof inclination has been carried out.
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