Testing the validity of a scale measuring perceived group cohesion

Autor: Sijilmassi, Amine, Safra, Lou, Baumard, Nicolas
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.17605/osf.io/am47h
Popis: The goal of this study is to create a scale for measuring the perceived cohesion of groups. We make the hypothesis that when observing or learning about groups, individuals build on a variety of cues to create an single index that captures how much people within a given group are willing to cooperate together (Boyer et al., 2015; Pietraszewski et al., 2014; Pietraszewski, 2022). This index allows people to predict a wide range of behaviors (such as their willingness to help each other and to engage in various forms of collective action). This study is conducted in preparation for future research on the perception of biological shared ancestry within a group. The best way to capture the idea that shared ancestry has an effect, not just on how we perceive particular behaviors, but on a general index of group cohesion, is to measure the latter using multiple questions rather than just one. However, using multiple questions require that we are careful to assess the validity of our measure.
Databáze: OpenAIRE